Paul Kuniholm
Time-based Sculptor
Time-based Sculptor
Paul Kuniholm's deep history in the Northwest begins in 1890 with the arrival of his great-grandfather John Emil Kuniholm from Sweden. A visual artist utilizing time-based modes influenced by heritage and place, Paul Kuniholm creates sculptures using physical materials together with immaterial experiences in creating art that fills space and time in innovative, stunning and thought-provoking viewing cycles.

When it comes to interdisciplinarity, multiculturalism, and risk taking…Paul Kuniholm is putting into action what most…artists…only talk about doing.
– Jen Graves (The Stranger)
Wandering Belltown last week, somebody from Cat Power’s tour saw adorable artist…Paul Kuniholm out in front of his Belltown studio itinerantly playing a song. Hours later (and for 300 bucks), Power was on Instagram in a flat-topped hat by Kuniholm, looking like Zorro.
– The Stranger
Performance artist Paul Kuniholm, proposed to play a sleazy developer hawking City Lab real estate to workers and researchers at the site and to outsiders in an apparent attempt to gentrify the urban testing facility.
– Benjamin Sutton (Hyperallergic)
Artists hidden in the project include this bizarre cardboard car ‘driven’ by Seattle artist Paul Kuniholm.
– Mark Prigg (London Daily Mail)