King Khazm
Hip-Hop artist and Emcee
Hip-Hop artist and Emcee
King Khazm is a multifaceted artist and community organizer who advocates for community empowerment through Hip-Hop.As a prominent and in-demand performer and educator, he tours internationally supporting the movement to preserve and elevate Hip-Hop culture.

Soft-spoken, and wheelchair bound since childhood, Khazm doesn’t boast about anything, but he’s been instrumental to the Seattle hip-hop scene, so he could if he liked.
– Corey Kahler (Real Change News)
For Khazm, hip-hop was the key to building a life on the foundations of optimism and hope.
– Katelyn Hackett (Sound Magazine)
…what might not be present itself at first glance is that the graffiti artist/producer/activist, who also goes by the name King Khazm, is head of 206 Zulu, one of the Northwest’s most respected hip-hop organizations.
– Jonathan Cunningham (Seattle Weekly)
Khazm’s own husky flow is stronger, more emotive, and more versatile than many ’round here know how to muster, and his dusty, string-heavy productions are the aural equivalent of foggy Metro windows on a rainy weekday.
– Larry Mizell Jr. (The Stranger)
For years Khazm has worked in the shadows and the trenches, doing the dirty work that needed to get done to help our fledgling Northwest Hip Hop scene develop. For those that know Khazm, not enough could ever be said about his contributions, but he has never been one to seek out the lime-light.
– Seaspot Media
Khazm founded 206 Zulu, a Hip Hop organization making waves in the country. The richness of API Hip Hop in the Seattle area is, in part, due to the organizational force of 206 Zulu.
– Dr. Julie Pham (NW Asian Weekly)

Educational Program Available
Performance Fee: $500 - $1200