Trails Project
Susan Robb, Paul Rucker, and Stokley Towles
King County Regional Trails System
Traveling Light
Linda Beaumont
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
Tree of Life
Seyed Alavi
Harborview Medical Center
Trellises, Guardrail + Gazebo
Simpson and Georgiades
Steel Lake Park
Truth Crushed to the Earth Will Rise Again
Linda Beaumont
King County Courthouse
Denny Way/Lake Union CSO
Walk to the Mountain
Gloria Bornstein
Harborview Medical Center
Water Carry
Claudia Fitch
Interurban Pump Station
Water Plant
Donald Fels
South Treatment Plant
Water—The Essence of Life
Susan Point
West Seattle Pump Station
Waterworks Gardens
Lorna Jordan
South Treatment Plant
Welcoming Figure
Steve Brown, Joe Gobin, and Andy Wilbur-Peterson
Richmond Beach Saltwater Park
York Bridge