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Lake to Sound Trail Kit of Parts

Jenny Heishman and Kurt Keifer

King County Regional Trails System

Concrete, painted steel, and timber art elements unify a trail and evoke WPA-era parks

Jenny Heishman and Kurt Keifer. Lake to Sound Trail Kit of Parts, 2015 – present. Wood, concrete, and painted steel. Lake to Sound Trail, King County, WA. King County Public Art Collection. Photo: King County Parks

Once complete, King County’s Lake to Sound Trail will span 16 miles, from the southern tip of Lake Washington in Renton to the shoreline of Puget Sound in Des Moines. Bicyclists, pedestrians, and others on the trail will pass through many different environments: urban streets, multi-lane roadways, lush forests, industrial corridors, an historic highway, and suburban neighborhoods. Along the way, they’ll encounter functional art elements that were defined by Jenny Heishman and Kurt Keifer in the Lake to Sound Trail Kit of Parts

When Heishman and Keifer began their trail project, they weren’t starting completely from scratch. A comprehensive Art Plan by Brian Borrello had already detailed a vision for how art could be used to enhance experiences throughout the Regional Trails System. Heishman and Keifer’s project would test the principles of Borrello’s plan, guiding a unified look and feel for the Lake to Sound Trail.   Together they undertook volumes of research, met with scores of stakeholders, and studied the Lake to Sound corridor extensively. Knowing that the individual cities along the trail would ultimately take ownership of their own segments, Heishman and Keifer realized their recommendations would have to “fit comfortably within the streetscapes and parks of each city and also be reasonably simple to maintain and repair,” they write. Over the course of the project, they came to think of their designs like “the clusters of rocks and logs that gather at outer edges of river bends.”

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Jenny Heishman and Kurt Keifer. Lake to Sound Trail Kit of Parts, 2015-. Wood, concrete, and painted steel. Lake to Sound Trail, King County, WA. King County Public Art Collection. Photo: King County Parks
Jenny Heishman and Kurt Keifer. Lake to Sound Trail Kit of Parts, 2015. King County Public Art Collection
Jenny Heishman and Kurt Keifer. Lake to Sound Trail Kit of Parts, 2015. King County Public Art Collection