Dalia Maxum

La curiosidad te abraza de nuevo,
horizonte rojo de danzantes serenos
desafiante es el corazón de los andantes
hay algo de insolencia en los que se van
hay pasión y alegría al marcharte
Intensidad galopante a lo que será
las gaviotas celebran tu llegada
bienvenida clara en la incierta inmensidad
Curiosity embraces you again,
red horizon of serene dancers
defiant is the heart of those who wander
there is some insolence in those who leave
there is passion and joy in those who depart
intense galloping of what it could be
the seagulls celebrate your arrival
a transparent welcoming to the uncertain immensity
Original language: Spanish
Translated by: Poet
Translated by: Poet
Photo by: Timothy Aguero Photography