A growing transit service integrates interactive multi-media projects and more.

Launched in 2009 with the creation of the A Line, RapidRide is King County Metro’s premier transit service, a network of limited-stop bus routes that provide frequent trips in six major transit corridors covering 64 miles across the county—with additional lines scheduled to debut in the years ahead. Different from standard bus service, RapidRide lines look, feel and operate more like trains with 20% faster travel time and over 50% more riders.
Because RapidRide buses are enabled with WiFi, 4Culture initially approached the RapidRide system as an opportunity to commission temporary, interactive, media-based artworks that riders could access via their computers and mobile devices, such as Christopher DeLaurenti’s { secret songs of your surroundings }, a sonic portrait of the A Line, and Hornall Anderson’s interactive transit experience B Line PULSE. Looking ahead to RapidRide’s expansion, 4Culture engaged Elisheba Johnson and Kristen Ramirez to create an art plan and detailed framework for creative enhancements and experiences that will enliven the new lines as they become operational in the coming years.
Limited-edition ORCA Cards
Jovita Mercado, Yasiman Ahsani, Rey Daoed
Why We Have to Work
Elisheba Johnson and Kristen Ramirez
RapidRide Art Plan
Elisheba Johnson and Kristen Ramirez
{secret songs of your surroundings}
Christopher DeLaurenti
Halli Brunkella Thiel, Zak Menkel, Joseph King, Gordon Mueller, and Corey Paganucci