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City of Redmond

2024 Redmond Lights Video Call

  • Deadline:
  • Budget: Selected artists will receive $500 stipend

Artists are invited to submit existing video works to be projected on Buoyant Pavilion during Redmond Lights in Redmond, Washington. Redmond Lights is a winter celebration that includes illuminated art installations sponsored by the City of Redmond.

1. Run time should not exceed 10 minutes
2. No amplified sound for viewing in park
3. 1920×1080 is ideal
4. Content with high contrast and high color saturation is most visible, thin lines and small details are not legible as the texture of the rods of the water wall is visible, and text becomes legible at 84 pt but >100 pt is preferred
5. For detailed understanding of projection capabilities please visit: https://www.redmond.gov/DocumentCenter/View/28463/Buoyant-Pavilion-Artist-Programming-Manual-

Video work will be selected through a panel process that will evaluate the proposals based on the below criteria:
1. Submitted video meets the guidelines (see above)
2. The submitted artwork must be appropriate for the location and event
3. Artistic merit, originality, creativity, and appropriate for the event

* Submission deadline: 10 p.m. PST on Thursday, August 29, 2024
* Selected videos will be played with no sound, on a loop with other selected videos on Buoyant Pavilion from December 6, 2024 – January 6, 2025

SITE: Buoyant Pavilion at Downtown Park – 16101 Redmond Way, Redmond, WA, 98052

To apply: https://www.redmond.gov/arts

More Information: www.redmond.gov