We started with a question: how is the cultural health of King County? In one of the fastest growing counties in the nation, this was an ambitious undertaking.
What We Did
To answer the question of cultural health in King County, we conducted a listening session tour, compiled award information from cultural funders, synthesized city-level cultural planning, and documented existing cultural infrastructure. Through a total of 43 sessions in 37 cities and 3 unincorporated communities over 14 months, we heard from 452 people. Additionally, 226 people responded to an online survey.
What We Found
This report presents an analysis of King County’s cultural health through six themes, which emerged from our research and what we heard at listening sessions. For each theme, we offer recommendations for next steps in developing collective strategies to address cultural health challenges:
Policy and Planning
Visibility and Connectivity
Physical Space
Access, Inclusion and Equity
Dig In
Learn more about our methodology, findings, and recommendations for next steps. You can also explore individual profiles—which inclue demographic data, cultural assets, and more—for every city and some unincorporated areas in King County.