Introducing Our 2024-25 Gallery 4Culture Artists

Gallery 4Culture has a 45-year history of exhibiting innovative, underrepresented artists and art forms in solo and small-group shows! Panelists Ricky Reyes, Rosaline Dou, Sara Osebold, and Stefan Gonzales reviewed submitted applications and selected 10 King County-based artists for the 2024-2025 season.

Audineh Asaf
September 5–26, 2024
Opening: First Thursday, September 5, 6:00–8:00 pm
In an ongoing commitment to provide voice for the silenced, Audineh Asaf’s paper “quilts” weave together the narratives of individuals who have been directly impacted by social injustices and human rights violations in Iran.

Audineh Asaf. Woman Life Freedom (Memorial Quilt), 2024. Acrylic transfer and embossment on paper collage. 45 x 30 inches

Michael Hong
October 3–31, 2024
Opening: First Thursday, October 3, 6:00–8:00 pm
Michael Hong’s ceramic sculptures embody the complexities of the immigrant experience and the concept of “hand flavor,” directly translated from the Korean term, 손 맛 (sown-maat), which denotes the unique care or skill a cook imbues into their food that is often passed down generationally.

Michael Hong. Dumpling Portrait III, 2023. Stoneware, terra sigillata, acrylic paint, butchers wax, and wood. 69 x 24 x 24 inches


JoEllen Wang
November 7–December 5, 2024
Opening: First Thursday, November 7, 6:00–8:00 pm
Using motifs and materials sourced from marginal spaces, JoEllen Wang examines the overlap of good intentions and systemic failures.

JoEllen Wang. Tarp No. 19 (11/24/21) 1st Ave S & S Hudson St, 2023. Oil on canvas. 24 x 36 inches

James Hartunian
January 2–30, 2025
Opening: First Thursday, January 2, 6:00–8:00 pm
Through the fabrication of hand-crafted kinetic devices, James Hartunian will recreate a conceptual forest from a machine’s perspective in pursuit of reimagining our natural world.

James Hartunian. Ficus Growth Chambers, 2021. Ficus Elastica, wire, solder, and LEDs. Installation view

Ric’kisha Taylor
February 6–27, 2025
Opening: First Thursday, February 6, 6:00–8:00 pm
Ric’kisha Taylor employs craft techniques and lustrous materials to captivate, entice, and divert attention in a series of multimedia works that address her personal experience within the Black American diaspora.

Ric’kisha Taylor. Untitled (Dancers in Paradise), 2021. Fabric, sequins, glitter, and collage. 48 x 36 inches

Diana Falchuk
March 6–27, 2025
Opening: First Thursday, March 6, 6:00–8:00 pm
Colorful works on paper and object fragments assembled on mirror highlight the spiritual and material nature of interconnection, solidarity, and collective care–all of which are grounded in Diana Falchuk’s Jewish-Venezuelan-American identity and ancestral traditions.

Diana Falchuk. We Reach for Each Other – Variation No. 2 (detail), 2023. Fragments on mirror. ¼ x 6 ½ x 5 ¾ inches

Hyunjeong Lim
April 3–24, 2025
Opening: First Thursday, April 3, 6:00–8:00 pm
Influenced by her journey from South Korea to the United States, Hyunjeong Lim’s surrealistic landscape paintings blend personal and cultural narratives, inviting us to reflect on our own internal and external wanderings.

Hyunjeong Lim. Trip West, 2023. Oil and acrylic on canvas. 48 x 110 inches. Photo: Jason J Kim

Nak Bou
May 1–29, 2025
Opening: First Thursday, May 1, 6:00–8:00 pm
Nak Bou’s intuitive multimedia paintings juxtapose cultural material from his parent’s generation with evocative representations of his own childhood memories. Raised in the Cambodian refugee enclaves of Dallas, Texas and Fresno, California during the late-1980s and 1990s, Bou explores the intersection of heritage and lived experience.


Nak Bou. Donut Express, 2020. Acrylic, spray paint, and oil pastel. 48 x 55 inches

Mel Carter
June 5–26, 2025
Opening: First Thursday, June 5, 6:00–8:00 pm
Mel Carter blends various media into sensory-filled, tactile installations that unearth experiences within heritage and family dynamics, Japanese diaspora, queerness, and explorations in modern witchcraft, rituals, and mythology.

Mel Carter. Benten (detail), 2022. Collected glass vessels and various organic material. Installation view. Photo: Jueqian Fang

Althea Rao
July 3–31, 2025
Opening: First Thursday, July 3, 6:00–8:00 pm
In an era dominated by synthetic biology and pervasive surveillance, Althea Rao’s work humors the intricate connections between the data we generate and the tangible traces of our existence.

Althea Rao. I was once here, I might still be, 2022. Soil, compost, microgreen seeds, grow lights, ribbon, video display, satellite images, law and policy printouts, StyleGan Nada image model, microcontrollers, resin printed neurons, copper wires, magnets, handwoven burial shroud and projection. Installation view

Congratulations to our 2024-2025 artists!

4Culture would like to thank all 140 gallery applicants for their interest in exhibiting with us and the panel for their diligence in making these selections. Artists who were not awarded shows are encouraged to reapply next year. The 2025-2026 Gallery 4Culture season application cycle will open in November 2024 with a deadline of December 11, 2024.