Heritage Field Resources

4Culture’s Heritage department serves organizations and individuals working with heritage in King County.

Heritage can mean a lot of things: ethnic history, indigenous and traditional culture, folklore, archaeological resources that exist within what is presently known as King County, and more. Here, we’ve compiled a suite of resources to complement our regular funding programs and support King County’s broad and diverse heritage field. The information you’ll find below is based on calls, emails, and in-person questions we frequently receive—please don’t hesitate to reach out if you don’t see what you’re looking for!

COVID-19 Resources for the Heritage Field

COVID-19 Resources for the Heritage Field

We encourage you to check out 4Culture’s ongoing resource list for local, regional, and national resources for the arts and cultural sector. We recognize that the Heritage field has unique needs as well as opportunities to respond in the Covid-19 public health crisis. We included some resources around collections, programming, and facilities that are specific to the needs of heritage field in “Looking for Best Practices?” below.

Looking to Promote Equity?

Looking to Promote Equity?

With a focus on racial equity, 4Culture funds, supports, and advocates for culture to enhance the quality of life in King County. We acknowledge that systematic inequity takes many forms—racism, sexism, ableism, transphobia, heterosexualism, and more. Our focus on racial equity provides us with the tools we use to dismantle all oppressions. As we work to make our practices more racially equitable, we encourage all heritage practitioners to assess their personal knowledge of interpersonal and systemic racism and how it permeates the heritage field.

Here we compiled some resources to get you started.

Looking for Job or Volunteer Opportunities?

Looking for Job or Volunteer Opportunities?

Job Listings

Internship and Apprenticeship Programs

There are several ways to get involved with 4Culture opportunities.

Submit the Inquiry Form today to be added the roster! Opportunities include:

  • On-Site Reviewer of King County heritage organizations.
  • Grant panel reviewer.

Are you interested in volunteering with a local heritage group or 4Culture Heritage, but not sure where to start? Send us an email at with your contact information and areas of interest and we will get in touch with you!

Looking for Funding?

Looking for Funding?

4Culture Grant programs

We offer a variety of grant programs that are designed to support the work of heritage practitioners and organizations.

Please see our grants page for information on our regular grant programs. Here is a quick reference guide:

Not sure which program is right for you? Our funding programs are separated by three disciplines: Arts, Heritage, and Historic Preservation. We understand that sometimes a project idea does not fit in one discipline or another—for example, a documentary about a historical event or a class on a traditional culturally-specific art form. Ultimately, you are free to apply for the program you think best aligns with your project. For Projects funding, you may request funding for different elements of your project through the multiple funding programs. Our program managers are happy to discuss your project idea before selecting a program.

Other Grant Opportunities

There are other agencies and organizations that provide funding for works related to heritage and history. You can view our Other Listings page for more funding opportunities, but here are some of the funding agencies and grants for heritage.

Other Resources on Fundraising

Looking for a Service Provider?

Looking for a Service Provider?

Here are some lists of local providers to get you started:

Nonprofit Consultants

Collections Care

Exhibit, Programs, Education


Legal Services

Looking for Guidance on Best Practices?

Looking for Guidance on Best Practices?

Professional networks like AKCHO and AASLH often offer training for those working in the heritage field. Below are useful free resources on best practices for various aspects of heritage works. Notice something missing? Let us know!

Resources from 4Culture-hosted workshops

When 4Culture Heritage hosts a workshop, you can find the resources and recordings (if available) here.


Collections Management


Small Museums and Historical Organizations

Assessment Programs


Community Engagement

Volunteer Management

Looking for Professional Development?

Looking for Professional Development?

Networking in the Heritage Field

Starting out in the heritage field? Want to know what like-minded professionals are up to? Joining and participating in professional networks is a great way to expand your connections and the reach of your organization.

Please inquire with each group for registration, membership dues, meeting information, etc.

Contact 4Culture Heritage

Contact 4Culture Heritage

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions or requests. We look forward to getting to know you and your work in the heritage field!

You can contact us about:

  • Questions regarding Heritage grants (Application, contracting, reimbursement)
  • Questions about our Field Services offerings
  • Review of Heritage grant application draft
  • Request to view past applications
  • Scheduling a site visit or a meeting
  • Doing a presentation about our funding programs
  • Volunteering with King County heritage organizations
  • Paid and volunteer opportunities at 4Culture
  • Finding professional development opportunities
  • Getting in touch with King County heritage organizations
  • …and much more!

Chieko Phillips, Heritage Program Director,
Megumi Nagata, Heritage Support Specialist,