Preservation Sustained Support
Sustained Support assists with the day-to-day needs of preservation organizations.
These funds promote stewardship, advocacy and educational opportunities around historic preservation.
Sustained Support 2025-2027 awards have been announced. Organizations who are part of this group do not need to reapply. You can find the full list of grantees here. Organizations that are not part of that group may apply in the fall of 2025 for funding in 2026-2027.
These guidelines reflect information for last year's grant cycle and will be updated ahead of applications opening for the next cycle. Please contact 4Culture staff with any questions.Steps to Apply
What Sustained Support Funds
What Sustained Support Funds
Preservation Sustained Support provides general operating funds to non-profit groups across King County. These awards provide unrestricted operating funds to organizations delivering historic preservation programs and services, for the benefit of the public.
You can use this grant for:
- A variety of expenses: operating costs related to historic preservation programs and activities accessible to King County residents and visitors; staff salaries; utilities; supplies; fees; and services.
If you are interested in funding for:
- Capital construction, consider applying for Doors Open Facilities.
- Rehabilitating a historic building, consider applying for Landmarks Capital.
- Equipment, consider applying for Cultural Equipment.
We fund all of our grants through a competitive process, carefully evaluating each application. For this particular grant, we focus on different criteria depending on how your organization is structured and what type of work you do. Below we outline the different types of groups that can apply, and what we look for. Please contact us if you’re unsure into what category you fit.
For non-profit organizations and development authorities:
- Resilience: your organization has clearly stated plans to remain in operation through 2025. You have demonstrated organizational adaptability to changes in your community and in the field of historic preservation. You have demonstrated responsiveness to your community’s needs.
- Public benefit: your organization offers substantial public benefit through your programs, activities, and services. Public benefit may include – but is not limited to – any free or reduced cost admission, events, programs or services that increase access to culture in King County. Preservation Sustained Support is especially focused on increasing access to and awareness of our historic built environment.
- Economic impact: your organization stimulates the local economy through spending on wages, goods, services; promoting tourism and visitor-related spending at local businesses; and contributions to community well-being and quality of life, which have indirect economic benefits.
- Advancing equity: your organization has a focus on serving communities historically and currently underrepresented in historic preservation, especially communities that are disproportionately impacted by structural racism. This is not required for funding.
- Preservation priorities: your organization makes exceptional contributions to the preservation of King County’s historic built environment. Your organization includes a focus on resources that represent neglected aspects of the built environment.
For municipalities:
- Resilience: your preservation program has demonstrated adaptability to changes in your community and in the field of historic preservation. You have demonstrated responsiveness to your community’s needs and have maintained historic preservation activity, services, and/or program offerings.
- Public Benefit: your municipality offers programs to increase public access to and participation in preservation. This may include – but is not limited to – technical assistance (such as support for community-led landmark nominations or other preservation projects), design guidance, grant-making programs, and tours or events related to preservation.
- Economic impact: your municipality supports and facilitates the positive economic benefits of historic preservation, which may include, but are not limited to, reinvestment in the historic building stock, heritage tourism and visitor-related spending at local businesses; and contributions to community well-being and quality of life, which have indirect economic benefits.
- Advancing equity: your preservation program has a focus on marginalized communities, especially communities that are disproportionately impacted by structural racism. This is not a requirement for funding.
- Preservation priorities: your preservation program makes exceptional contributions to the preservation of King County’s built environment, through a track record of completing surveys and inventories of historic resources, landmark designations, and design review for historic properties.
Geographic and Equity Investments
4Culture recognizes that where an organization is based or provides its services, as well as the communities it serves, can affect access to funding and other resources. To take a step towards balancing these disparities, 4Culture will award additional funding to organizations that are based in parts of King County that are less served by other funding sources, and to organizations that specifically serve marginalized communities, especially communities that are disproportionately impacted by structural racism. Organizations with an annual budget over $5 million do not qualify for this additional funding.
Equity Investment Score
Organizations that the adjudicating panel of peer reviewers agree are excelling in advancing equity in King County will receive an additional Equity Investment.
Outside of the City of Seattle
Non-profits with a primary location outside of Seattle City limits will receive additional geographic equity funds. Eligibility will be determined based on the mailing address in your account profile. This address should be consistent with what your organization uses for IRS reporting purposes.
Communities of Opportunity
Organizations that are located in a Community of Opportunity are eligible for additional Equity Investment funds. The Communities of Opportunity (COO) index includes a set of health and socioeconomic indicators to gauge community health and well-being. 4Culture aligns our Equity investments with the COO index to identify the areas of King County in greatest need of support.
View this Communities of Opportunity map to determine whether your organization or primary venue is located in a COO. COO areas eligible for an Equity investment are outlined in purple:
Please reach out to Dana Phelan at if you have any questions.
Public Benefit: Why It Matters
4Culture is a public agency supporting the cultural sector through revenue from Lodging Tax, 1% for Art, and Doors Open funding sources. Core to our work and defined in our Charter is a requirement that everything we fund serves the public interest, enriching communities throughout King County.
The term Providing Public Benefit means using public funds primarily to provide members of the public residing in and visiting King County access to opportunities to experience cultural resources. Public Benefit encompasses access and positive impacts for King County residents and visitors engaging with arts, culture, historic spaces, and public art across our program areas.
As you work through your application, tell us exactly how your fellow King County residents will be able to enjoy and learn from your work. Here are some ways you can provide public benefit:
- Providing the public with access to your creative work, project, historic place, or program for free or at a reduced rate.
- Providing educational programs and experiences at cultural organizations, schools, or other venues accessible to the public.
- Exploring ways to expand and broaden your creative work and activities for the education and entertainment of the public.
- Participating in collaborative relationships with other cultural organizations, individuals, and groups to extend the reach and impact of a project or program for the benefit of the public.
- Organizational capacity-building projects or activities that provide meaningful public benefits not otherwise achievable.
- For cultural organizations: providing, through technological and other means, services or programs in locations other than an organization’s own facilities.
Are You Eligible?
Are You Eligible?
Preservation Sustained Support is available for King County-based non-profit organizations and municipalities. We award these funds based on an organization’s overall mission and activities—this grant is not project-based.
The following types of organizations are supported through this program:
- Nonprofit organizations and public development authorities with a two-year minimum operating history of providing advocacy or assistance to preserve historic places; conducting programs that interpret the built environment of King County; or preserving one or more historic properties that serve as a venue for community and cultural activities, where stewarding that space is a primary purpose for the organization.
- Municipalities with a historic preservation program established by city ordinance or historic preservation services contracted through an interlocal agreement with the King County Historic Preservation Program (KCHPP). Municipalities should have city staff dedicated part or full time to historic preservation tasks, including overseeing historic surveys, landmark designations, design review, and public education.
Helping You Succeed
Helping You Succeed
Workshops can make a major difference in how competitive your application is—each year, we find that the strongest applications come from people who have attended a workshop. Workshops provide an opportunity for you to meet staff, learn about the process, meet other applicants, and ask questions.
Note: August 26 will be an Office Hours session. There will be no formal presentation, but grant managers will be on hand to answer any last minute questions ahead of the September 4 application deadline.
If you are unable to attend a workshop, you may view this recorded version instead:
Substitulos en Español | 中文字幕(繁體)
Application Guide + Worksheet
Watch this step-by-step application guide video to assist you in the application process:
As you draft your application, you may choose to work offline in a document. This application worksheet can be used as tool as you work. It includes helpful tips and space to draft your responses. This worksheet is not a substitute for submitting your application via the online portal and will not be accepted as your application.
Click to download the worksheet:
For municipalities: PDF | Word
For organizations: PDF | Word
Use this eligibility documentation guide to help you gather your required documents as you prepare to begin your application.
Before you begin or after starting your application, you may have questions or need some personalized feedback on an idea. We are available by email and phone to assist you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Translation and Assistance
As an extension of 4Culture’s flagship grant program, Sustained Support will provide one-year unrestricted funding to meet the day-to-day needs of arts, preservation, heritage, and science and technology nonprofit organizations. You can use this grant for a variety of operating costs related to programs accessible to King County residents and visitors including staff salaries, utilities, supplies, fees, and services. King County-based nonprofit organizations whose primary purpose is the advancement and preservation of art, historic preservation, heritage, or science and technology are eligible to apply for Sustained Support.
4Culture is King County’s designated agency to distribute new, increased funding made possible by Doors Open legislation, passed in December 2023. This funding has increased the Sustained Support program to $24 million for this cycle. A minimum of 25% of all Doors Open funding will go to organizations outside of the city of Seattle.
While Sustained Support traditionally awards funds over two years, this program cycle will award funding for only one year. The next two-year cycle, 2026-2027, will return in fall 2025. The deadline to apply is September 4, 2024, at 5:00 pm PDT. Award decisions will be announced in December 2024, and contracting will begin in January 2025.
We’re here to help! Please contact Fundisha Tibebe, Doors Open Operating Support Program Manager at with questions about this program.
The grant guidelines, a detailed explanation of how to apply, and the grant application are in English. If this is a barrier that stops you from applying due to limited English writing ability, visual impairment, or you would like to request assistance to create an application, please contact or call (206) 296-7580 or TTY 711, and we will ensure you get the support you need.
中文 (Chinese)
作為 4Culture 旗艦資助計劃的延伸,「持續的支持」計劃將提供為期一年的無限制資助,以滿足藝術、保護、遺產和科技類非營利組織的日常需求。該補助金可以用於支付與 King 縣居民和訪客可以享受到的計劃有關的各種營運費用,包括員工工資、水電費、用品、以及服務。以促進和保護藝術、保護歷史、遺產或科學技術為主要目的的 King 縣非營利組織均有資格申請「持續的支持」計劃。
4Culture 是 King 縣的指定機構,主要負責分配於 2023 年 12 月通過的「門戶開放」法案所增加的新資金。這筆資金使本週期的「持續的支持」計劃的資金總額增加到了 2,400 萬美元。所有「門戶開放」計劃的資金至少有 25% 將用於西雅圖市以外的組織機構。
按照往年來講,「持續的支持」計劃的資助期限為兩年,但是此次計劃的資助期僅為一年。下一個兩年週期(2026-2027 年)將於 2025 年秋季重新開放申請。申請的截止日期為 2024 年 9 月 4 日下午 5:00(太平洋夏令時間)。申請結果將於 2024 年 12 月公布,合約簽訂工作將於 2025 年 1 月開始。
我們隨時可以為您提供幫助!若對本計劃有任何疑問,請聯絡 Doors Open Operating Support Program(門戶開放營運支持計劃)經理 Fundisha Tibebe(電子郵件地址:)。
資助指南、如何申請的詳細說明以及資助申請表均為英文版。如果您因英語書寫能力有限、視力障礙而無法申請,或是在填寫申請表時需要協助,請發送電子郵件至 或致電 (206) 296-7580 或 TTY 711 進行聯絡,我們會確保您獲得所需的幫助。
Русский (Russian)
Поскольку программа «Постоянная поддержка» является дополнением к основной программе грантов 4Culture, она предоставит неограниченное финансирование сроком на один год для удовлетворения повседневных потребностей некоммерческих организаций в области искусства, сохранения культурно-исторического наследия, а также науки и технологий. Этот грант можно использовать для покрытия различных эксплуатационных расходов, связанных с программами, доступными жителям и гостям округа King, включая заработную плату персонала, коммунальные услуги, расходные материалы, сборы и услуги. Некоммерческие организации округа King, основной целью которых является развитие и сохранение искусства, культурно-исторического наследия или науки и технологий, имеют право подать заявку на участие в программе «Постоянная поддержка».
4Culture — уполномоченный орган округа King по распределению нового, увеличенного бюджета, выделенного согласно закону Doors Open, принятому в декабре 2023 года. Это финансирование позволило увеличить бюджет программы Sustained Support до 24 млн долл. США в текущем цикле. Минимум 25 % всего финансирования в рамках закона Doors Open выделяется организациям за пределами Сиэтла.
Хотя обычно Sustained Support выделяет средства на проекты длительностью более двух лет, в этом программном цикле финансирование будет выделено только на один год. Следующий двухлетний цикл, 2026–2027 гг., начнется осенью 2025 г. Крайний срок подачи заявок: 4 сентября 2024 года, 17:00 (по тихоокеанскому летнему времени). Решения о присуждении контрактов огласят в декабре 2024 года, а заключение контрактов начнется в январе 2025 года.
Мы готовы вам помочь! Если у вас имеются вопросы относительно программы, обратитесь к Fundisha Tibebe, руководителю отдела операционной поддержки программы Doors Open («Открытые двери»), по электронной почте .
Правила предоставления гранта, подробная инструкция по подаче заявки, а также сама заявка на грант составлены на английском языке. Если вы не можете подать заявку из-за недостаточного владения письменной английской речью или нарушений зрения, либо нуждаетесь в помощи для составления заявки, напишите по адресу или позвоните по телефону (206) 296-7580, либо TTY 711. Мы предоставим вам необходимую поддержку.
Soomaali (Somali)
Iyadoo ah qayb ka mid barnaamijka deeqda ee 4Culture, barnaamijka Sustained Support (Barnaamijka Taageerada Waarta) wuxuu bixin doonaa maalgelin aan xadidnayn oo hal sano ah si loo daboolo baahiyaha maalinlaha ah ee arrimaha farshaxanka, ilaalinta farshaxanka, hidaha, iyo ururada aan faa’iido doonka ahayn ee ku shaqeeya arrimaha sayniska iyo tignoolajiyada. Waxaad deeqda u isticmaali kartaa in aad ku bixiso kharashyada hawlaha kala duwan ee la xidhiidha sida ay barnaamijyada u heli lahaayeen dadka degan King County iyo dadka soo booqda oo ay ku jiraan mushaarka shaqaalaha, yutiilitida adeegyada muhiimka ah, agabka, khidmadaha, iyo adeegyada kale. Ururada aan faa’iido doonka ahayn ee uu fadhigoodu yahay King County oo ujeedadooda koowaad ay tahay horumarinta iyo ilaalinta farshaxanka, ilaalinta waxyaabaha taariikhiga ah, hidaha, ama ururada ku shaqeeya arrimaha sayniska iyo tignoolajiyada ayaa u qalma inay codsadaan deeqda Sustained Support.
4Culture waa wakaaladda ay King County u magacaawday si ay u qaybiso maalgalin cusub oo la kordhiyay oo diyaar ah taasi oo ay suurta galisay sharciga barnaamijka Doors Open, oo la ansixiyay Diseembar 2023. Maalgelintani waxay barnaamijka Taageerada Waarta ku kordhisay ilaa $24 milyan oo wareeggan ah. Ugu yaraan 25% ee dhammaan maalgelinta barnaamijka Doors Open ayaa ku bixin doontaa ururada ka baxsan gudaha magaalada Seattle.
Iyadoo barnaamijka Taageerada Waarta uu badanaa bixiyo lacagaha muddo laba sano ah, barnaamijka wareegan wuxuu bixin doonaa maalgelin hal sano oo keliya. Wareegga labada sano ee soo socda, 2026-2027, wuxuu bilaaban doonaa marka la gaaro xilliga dayrta ee 2025. Wakhtiga kama dambaysta ah ee la codsanayo waa Sebteember 4, 2024, saacada markay 5:00 galabnimo ee xilliga PDT. Ku Dhawaaqista go’aamada abaalmarinta waxaa lagu dhawaaqi doonaa Diiseembar 2024, qandaraaskuna wuxuu bilaaban doonaa Janaayo 2025.
Waxaan diyaar u nahay inaan ku caawino! Fadlan kala xiriir Fundisha Tibebe, Maareeyaha Taageerada Howlgelinta Barnaamijka Doors Open haddi aa qabto wax su’aalo ah oo ku saabsan barnaamijkan.
Tilmaamaha deeqda, sharraxaada faahfaahsan ee ku saabsan sida loo codsado, iyo codsiga deeqda waxay dhammaan ku qoran yihiin Af-Ingiriisi. Haddii arrintaan ay tahay caqabad kaa hor istaageyso codsashada oo ay sabab u tahay awoodda qorista Af-Ingiriisiga oo xadidan, naafanimo aragga ah, ama aad jeclaan lahayd inaad codsato in lagaa caawiyo in aad codsi sameyso, fadlan la xiriir ama wac (206) 296-7580 ama TTY 711, waxaana xaqiijin doonnaa inaad hesho taageerada aad u baahan tahay.
Español (Spanish)
Como extensión del programa principal de subvenciones de 4Culture, el programa Sustained Support (Apoyo continuo) proporcionará financiación sin restricciones durante un año para cubrir las necesidades cotidianas de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro relacionadas con las artes, la conservación, el patrimonio y la ciencia y la tecnología. Puede utilizar esta subvención para distintos gastos de funcionamiento relacionados con programas accesibles a los residentes y visitantes del condado de King, como salarios del personal, servicios públicos, suministros, tasas y servicios. Las organizaciones sin fines de lucro con sede en el condado de King cuyo objetivo principal sea la promoción y preservación del arte, la conservación histórica, el patrimonio o la ciencia y la tecnología pueden postularse para el programa Sustained Support.
4Culture es la agencia designada por el condado de King para distribuir la nueva y ampliada financiación que ha sido posible gracias a la legislación sobre Doors Open, aprobada en diciembre de 2023. Esta financiación ha permitido aumentar el presupuesto del programa Sustained Support a $24 millones para este ciclo. Se destinará un mínimo del 25 % del total de la financiación de Doors Open a organizaciones que se encuentren fuera de la ciudad de Seattle.
Si bien Sustained Support tradicionalmente concede fondos durante dos años, este ciclo del programa solo concederá fondos durante un año. El próximo ciclo de dos años, para 2026-2027, volverá en otoño de 2025. La fecha límite para postularse es el 4 de septiembre de 2024, a las 5:00 p. m. (hora del Pacífico). Las decisiones de adjudicación se anunciarán en diciembre de 2024 y las contrataciones comenzará en enero de 2025.
¡Estamos para ayudar! Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con la administradora del Doors Open Operating Support Program (programa de apoyo operativo de Doors Open), Fundisha Tibebe, escribiendo a .
Las directrices de la subvención, la explicación detallada de cómo solicitarla y la solicitud de la subvención están redactadas en inglés. Si esto supone un impedimento para presentar la solicitud debido a una capacidad limitada para escribir en inglés, una discapacidad visual o necesita ayuda para crear una solicitud, póngase en contacto con o llame al (206) 296-7580 o TTY 711, y nos aseguraremos de que reciba la ayuda que necesita.
Tiếng Việt (Vietamese)
Một phần mới của chương trình tài trợ hàng đầu của 4Culture, Hỗ Trợ Bền Vững sẽ cung cấp nguồn tài trợ không hạn chế trong một năm để đáp ứng nhu cầu thường ngày của các tổ chức phi lợi nhuận về nghệ thuật, bảo tồn, di sản và khoa học công nghệ. Quý vị có thể sử dụng khoản tài trợ này cho nhiều loại chi phí vận hành liên quan đến các chương trình mà cư dân và du khách của Quận King có thể tiếp cận, bao gồm trả lương nhân viên, tiện ích, vật tư, các loại phí và dịch vụ. Các tổ chức phi lợi nhuận có trụ sở tại Quận King có mục đích chính là phát triển và bảo tồn nghệ thuật, bảo tồn lịch sử, di sản hoặc khoa học công nghệ đều đủ điều kiện đăng ký chương trình Hỗ Trợ Bền Vững.
4Culture là cơ quan được Quận King chỉ định để phân phối nguồn tài trợ mới, tăng dần nhờ luật Mở Cửa, được thông qua vào tháng 12 năm 2023. Khoản tài trợ này đã nâng kinh phí của chương trình Hỗ Trợ Bền Vững lên $24 triệu cho vòng này. Ít nhất 25% tổng số tiền tài trợ Mở Cửa sẽ được chuyển đến các tổ chức bên ngoài thành phố Seattle.
Trong khi chương trình Hỗ Trợ Bền Vững theo truyền thống sẽ cấp vốn trong hai năm, thì chu kỳ của chương trình này sẽ chỉ cấp vốn trong một năm. Chu kỳ hai năm tiếp theo, 2026-2027, sẽ quay trở lại vào mùa thu năm 2025. Hạn chót nộp đơn đăng ký là ngày 4 tháng 9 năm 2024, lúc 5:00 chiều theo giờ PDT. Các quyết định trao tài trợ sẽ được công bố vào tháng 12 năm 2024 và hợp đồng sẽ bắt đầu vào tháng 1 năm 2025.
Chúng tôi luôn sẵn sàng hỗ trợ! Làm ơn liên hệ với Fundisha Tibebe, Giám Đốc Doors Open Operating Support Program (Chương Trình Hỗ Trợ Hoạt Động Mở Cửa) tại nếu có câu hỏi về chương trình này.
Các hướng dẫn về khoản tài trợ, giải thích chi tiết về cách nộp đơn và đơn đăng ký tài trợ đều bằng tiếng Anh. Nếu đây là rào cản khiến quý vị không thể nộp đơn đăng ký do khả năng viết tiếng Anh hạn chế, suy giảm thị lực hoặc quý vị muốn yêu cầu hỗ trợ để tạo đơn đăng ký, Làm ơn liên hệ hoặc gọi (206) 296-7580 hoặc TTY 711 và chúng tôi sẽ hỗ trợ những gì quý vị cần.
After You Submit
After You Submit
Applications for Preservation Sustained Support are due September 4, 2024, by 5pm PDT. Most 4Culture funding decisions take approximately four months from application deadline to when we announce awards. We will notify you about the status of your application on or before December 31, 2024. Contracting will begin in January 2025.
Selection Process
After the application deadline, 4Culture Program Managers first review all applications to ensure eligibility. We then facilitate panels of peer reviewers to evaluate all eligible applications. The peer reviewers change from cycle to cycle. 4Culture staff do not score applications or try to influence the outcome.
Award amounts will have three components:
- A base award determined by the recipient organization’s budget size.
- A possible additional award based on overall panel score.
- A possible Equity Investment based on geographic location and/or an organization’s score on the Equity criterion (see Equity Investments section under “What Sustained Support Funds,” above).
The panel’s award recommendations are then sent to the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee for review, and then onto 4Culture’s Board for final approval. The entire process, from application deadline to final award notification, takes approximately four months.
Contracts and Payment
If your organization is selected for funding, your 4Culture grant manager will work with you to create a contract outlining a Scope of Services and Public Benefit for each consecutive year. Organizations that receive Sustained Support funding are typically paid upon completion of one or more of the Public Benefit activities described in their grant contract.
Requirements and Appeals
Learn about what will be required if you are awarded a grant, and about the process for appeal of a 4Culture decision.
Once you’ve started your application, you can save after each step and sign out—your application will be saved as a draft that you can continue to work on up to the deadline. Once you hit “Submit,” your application is final. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions during the process.
What’s in the Application
The following materials are required for this application cycle:
For Organizations
Narrative questions will be slightly different depending on whether you are a nonprofit or a municipal preservation progam. Please be sure to select the correct application. There are seven questions you will answer for the 2025 application cycle.
- Community: describe whom you serve and your circle of influence. Who experiences the public benefit your organization offers? How do they access your programs and services? Consider your organization’s members, property owners, or community members you assist, visitors or audiences you reach (in person or online), collaborators, and volunteers.
- Programming: tell us what programs and accomplishments from the past two years (2023-2024) are you most proud of and why? How did these programs help advance your organization’s mission and strategic goals? How have your programs or services evolved over the past two years in response to community needs and/or to changes in your field?
- Management: tell us how your organization plans and makes decisions. Describe your staff, volunteer, and board expertise and experience, especially in regards to historic preservation. Then describe your processes for establishing goals and priorities, including any staff, board, or community involvement.
- Future: describe the mission-based work your organization plans to undertake in the next two to three years.
- Economic impact: what economic impacts does your organization have in King County? This can include wages, contractors and employment; tourism impact; provision of affordable cultural space or reduced cost-services and offerings; community well-being and quality of life; direct spending on goods and services; and visitor spending at other local businesses.
- Advancing equity: describe whether and how your organization centers or serves historically marginalized communities, especially those disproportionately impacted by systemic racism (e.g. serving Black, Indigenous, or People of Color [BIPOC] communities, engaging BIPOC leadership, etc.). Describe existing partnerships, collaborations, projects, or programs your organization is involved with that engage historically marginalized communities.
- Public benefit: list three to five upcoming mission-related activities or events that offer public benefit. These activities or events may be ongoing, or specific to 2025, and should include a focus on historic places.
Public Benefit: General, Equity Inclusion, and Geographic Inclusion
If you are awarded funding, these public benefits will appear in your contract; only select the public benefits on which you would like to report. The panel will only review your public benefit statement above; these questions are only for 4Culture’s internal use. Please select up to three General Public Benefits and up to three Equity Inclusion and Geographic Inclusion Public Benefits your organization provides throughout the year. You can find the full list of General, Equity Inclusion, and Geographic Inclusion Public Benefits in the application worksheet linked above in the Helping You Succeed section.
Required Support Materials
- Organizational board list: you must submit a list of your organization’s board members, their term limits, and their employment or community affiliation.
- Staff list: please list your primary or decision-making staff members. Include their names, titles, how long they’ve held this position
- Program/event list: you must submit a list of your organization’s events, programs, and/or primary activities from the last 24 months. Include date or date range, location, and estimated attendance.
Required Uploads
- Articles of Incorporation: you must submit your Articles of Incorporation for your application to be complete. Need support accessing your Article of Incorporation? Read this flowchart
- IRS Letter of Determination: you must submit your IRS Determination Letter for your application to be complete. Need support accessing your Letter of Determination? Read this flowchart
Completed Account Profile
Nonprofit organizations will need to enter IRS 990 (or equivalent) information for the previous three years. Organizations should also confirm the accuracy of their address.
Not sure how to find your organization’s 990? Watch this tutorial video. Substitulos en Español | 中文字幕(繁體)
Demographic Information
Your organization profile in our portal must provide demographic information for your board and staff for the current year. We use this information to help us understand how well we are doing in our efforts to reach all communities in King County.
Watch a tutorial video on how to complete your organization’s demographic survey.
Substitulos en Español | 中文字幕(繁體)
For Municipalities
Narrative questions will be slightly different depending on whether you are a nonprofit or a municipal preservation program. Please be sure to select the correct application. There are seven questions you will answer for the 2025 application cycle.
- Community: describe whom you serve and your circle of influence. Consider historic property owners and the general public, as well as other city departments or programs, partnering organizations, advocacy groups, etc. How does each of these groups access your programs and services?
- Programming: tell us what programs and accomplishments from the past two years (2023-2024) are you most proud of and why? How have your programs or services evolved over the past two years in response to community needs and/or to changes in the field of historic preservation?
- Management: tell us about your goals for your program’s internal operations in 2025. Then explain how these goals were determined, including any staff, board/commission, and/or community involvement.
- Future: describe the public-facing work your organization plans to undertake in the next two to three years.
- Economic impact: how does your municipality support and facilitate the positive economic benefits of historic preservation? Economic impacts may include, but are not limited to, reinvestment in the historic building stock, heritage tourism and visitor-related spending at local businesses; and contributions to community well-being and quality of life, which have indirect economic benefits.
- Advancing equity: describe whether and how your program centers or serves historically marginalized communities, especially those disproportionately impacted by systemic racism (e.g. serving BIPOC communities, engaging BIPOC leadership, etc). Describe existing partnerships, collaborations, or projects your program is involved with that engage historically marginalized communities.
- Public benefit: list three to five upcoming activities or programs offered by your municipality to increase public access to and participation in historic preservation. These activities may be ongoing, or specific to 2025.
Operational Information
- City preservation budget: you must submit a one-page budget showing historic preservation program-related revenue and expenditures for the last two fiscal years. (Do not include your city’s full budget.)
Completed Account Profile
Nonprofit organizations will need to enter IRS 990 (or equivalent) information for the previous two years. Organizations should also confirm the accuracy of their address, as well as the address of the primary historic site that they provide stewardship for, if applicable. Municipalities are required to submit a one-page budget detailing revenue and expenses for preservation activities for the previous two years. Expenses may include staff salaries, consultant costs, supplies, and fees.
Not sure how to find your organization’s 990? Watch this tutorial video. Substitulos en Español | 中文字幕(繁體)
Demographic Information
For Municipalities, your Account Organization Profile in our portal must provide demographic information for your Landmarks Board or Commission and department staff for the current year. We use this information to help us understand how well we are doing in our efforts to reach all communities in King County.
Note: municipalities may submit an application to both Arts and Preservation Sustained Support, if that municipality meets the separate Arts and Preservation funding criteria. All other organizations must choose the one funding program that best fits their mission and goals—either Arts, Heritage or Preservation—and submit only one application for this round.
Watch a tutorial video on how to complete your organization’s demographic survey.
Substitulos en Español | 中文字幕(繁體)