Harborview Medical Center Art Panels
One artist will be selected to work in partnership with 4Culture, Harborview Medical Center and King County staff to develop a unifying artistic design for architectural resin panels located on the 9th and 10th floors of the Ninth and Jefferson Building. This work is part of a remodel underway to expand the number of patient rooms at Harborview Medical Center.
About the Project
About the Project
- Budget: $20,000 artist design fee (includes any applicable taxes) for one artist. This fee supports the artist in the design phase of the project which includes research and immersion with 4Culture, Harborview Medical Center, University of Washington, and King County staff to develop a design to be incorporated into architectural resin panels. One artist will be selected to create a design and then submit a digital file for fabrication. 4Culture Public Art will manage the fabrication and installation of the selected artist’s design onto architectural resin panels. The selected artist will have an opportunity to review a material sample as part of the resin panel production process. Digital file types are listed under Opportunity and Selection Criteria.
- Eligibility: open to artists who reside in King County, WA. Artists and graphic designers who are able to translate their two-dimensional work such as photography, prints, illustration, and graphic design to a digital file are strongly encouraged to apply. One artist will be selected for the project.
- Application: submission of an online application is required for this opportunity.
- Deadline: Thursday, January 19, 2023 by 4:00 pm PDT. Please allow ample time to complete and upload your application; applications will not be accepted after the deadline.
This is a unique opportunity for artists who wants to gain experience in the public art field. Applicants do not have to show previous public art project experience. The 4Culture Project Manager will be able to help artists new to public art practice to understand the design review process and how to present ideas effectively, how to work with our county partners and how to transition studio-based artwork and concepts into design for public space. The selected artist will be responsible for creating digital files that meet the technical requirements described by the architectural resin panel vendor. Digital files include creating a vector or raster file, saved in CMYK with image output as close to 150 dpi as possible.
4Culture will hire the architectural resin panel vendor and supervise the production and installation of the panels. The panels will be installed on the Harborview Medical Center (HMC) campus on floors 9 and 10 of the Ninth and Jefferson building. These floors are being built out to provide new specialty clinics. The services that will be offered here include: Cardiology, Vascular Surgery Clinic, Diabetes Clinic, Kidney Clinic, Neurology, Urology, Hematology, GI, Podiatry and Rehab PT.
The artist fees will cover research and outreach, design ideation and creation, and production of digital materials that can be used by the fabricator. 4Culture will ensure that the fabricator is available to answer technical questions and help guide the artist’s design submittals.

Artwork is an important component in a successful healthcare environment. Art can ease apprehension and contribute to an environment that is more humane, promote more positive outcomes for patients, and reflect the diversity of patients, staff and their families.
Harborview Medical Center, located in Seattle, is a patient care, teaching and research facility offering specialty care in nearly every area of medicine. Harborview is also a world-renowned Level 1 adult and pediatric trauma and burn center. Owned by King County and managed by the University of Washington, Harborview is a major regional health care facility for the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. The medical center’s mission is to provide exemplary patient care, teaching, research and community service.
Since 1977, Harborview has been building an extraordinary collection of visual art. Some of the Pacific Northwest’s most prominent artists are featured in the collection, which ranges from site-specific and architecturally integrated works to paintings, prints, ceramic and glass sculpture, textiles and photographs. Harborview is committed to its collection and arts programming because the hospital management, medical staff, patients and their families have seen the direct benefits of art in supporting a healing environment. The art at Harborview counterbalances the emotional, psychological, technological, and institutional intensities of the medical center by reducing stress and conveying a sense of individual dignity and worth upon all who enter the doors.
Project Location
Harborview Medical Center is located in the First Hill neighborhood at 325 Ninth Avenue, Seattle. The artwork for this project will be located on floors 9 and 10 of the Ninth and Jefferson Building (NJB), located on the Harborview Medical Center campus. UW Medicine operates Harborview on behalf of King County.
NJB represents phase two of a multi-phase campus expansion that includes the Norm Maleng Building and north-wing seismic upgrade projects. The goals of this expansion are to remedy address the need for expanded patient capacity. The NJB project was revised from its original plan to include a 14-story medical office tower that spans a full city block.

Project Collaborators and Program Information
4Culture Public Art
Harborview Medical Center
King County Public Art at Harborview Medical Center
Are You Eligible?
Are You Eligible?
This project is open to professional artists residing in King County, Washington. 4Culture staff, Board and Public Art Advisory Committee members, selection panel members, project personnel, and immediate family members of all of the above are not eligible to apply.
This call is specifically targeted to artists and graphic designers who are able to translate their two-dimensional work such as photography, prints, illustration, and graphic design to a digital file. Artists new to public art practice are encouraged to apply. Giclée prints are not considered the type of digital media application suitable for this project.
Selection Criteria
Finalists will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:
- Artistic merit and professional qualifications as demonstrated in past work.
- Proficiency and experience using digital media to create 2-dimensional artwork and/or design.
- Following digital design specifications that include creating a vector or raster file, saved in CMYK with image output as close to 150 dpi as possible.
- Interest in creating artwork that will serve as a strong visual and conceptual element within a healthcare facility.
- Expressed interest in application samples and statement of interest of the artist’s ability to create imagery that considers the diverse patient population of Harborview and promotes a feeling of healing and wellbeing.
- Availability to work with the project team and develop a design during the project timeline.
- Interest in working with 4Culture, Harborview, UW and King County, which are public entities.
Selection Process
A five-person selection panel will meet for two artist selection panels to review the applications and select finalists for a remote orientation and remote interview with the goal to recommend one finalist for the commission. The panelists will have backgrounds in visual art, design, and health care.
The panel reserves the right to make no selection from the submitted applications or finalist interviews.
Helping You Succeed
Helping You Succeed
Translation and Assistance
If you anticipate a barrier to your participation due to limited English writing ability, visual impairment, or would like to request assistance to access this application, please contact us at hello@4culture.org or 206-296-7580 or TTY 711.
Si anticipa una barrera para su participación debido a la capacidad limitada de escritura en inglés, discapacidad visual, o desea solicitar asistencia para acceder a esta aplicación, contáctenos en hello@4culture.org o 206-296-7580 o TTY 711.
如果您由于英语写作能力有限,视力障碍而希望参加比赛,或者希望获得协助来访问此应用程序,请通过hello@4culture.org或206-296-7580或TTY 711与我们联系。
Virtual Information Session
This video is a great place to get your questions answered before applying! You will need to login or create a Zoom account to view this pre-recorded, 28-minute information session. If you have any trouble accessing the video, please contact Fiona Dang at .
Passcode: Z8&P1jk#
Contact Us
If you have questions about the application, please contact:
If you have questions related to the project, please contact:
Selection Timeline*
Application deadline: Thursday, January 19, 2023 by 4:00 pm PDT
Selection panel meeting: week of February 6, 2023
Finalist orientation:** week of February 13, 2023
Finalist interviews:** week of February 20, 2023
Project Timeline*
Artist under design contract: late February 2023
Preliminary research and plan outline: March – April 2023
Design review and approval: late April 2023
Public Art Advisory Committee: May 2023
Fabrication and sample review: June/July 2023
Panel installation: September 2023
How to Apply
How to Apply
Interested artists must submit an online application. The 4Culture application system is being used for this process. You may be required to create a new account. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions. We encourage applicants to start their application early.
Please include your contact information.
Demographic Information
Your profile in our portal must provide demographic information for the current year. We use this information to help us understand how well we are doing in our efforts to reach all communities in King County.
Statement of Interest
Write a statement (750 words or less) explaining why you are interested in working on this project and how you would approach this commission opportunity considering your past experience. Consider the selection criteria as it relates to this opportunity. Applicants are NOT asked to submit a proposal as part of the application.
Résumé and References
Upload a two-page (maximum) current professional résumé plus one additional page with references. Please list the name, email address, and phone number of up to three references who can speak to your professional history and community involvement. Briefly note how you know the person. Keep the formatting as simple as possible. PDF is preferred; text (.txt) files will also be accepted.
Work Samples
You must submit 7-8 work samples. Work samples 1-6 should be digital images (no composites). Work samples 7-8 may be either digital images (no composites) or video files, with a cumulative run time of up to 3 minutes. We encourage you to submit work samples that best illustrate your qualifications for this opportunity. Giclée prints are not considered the type of digital media suitable for this project.
Each work sample requires a brief description (75 words or less that includes the following information, if applicable: project location, commissioning agency, budget, project partners, photo credit, copyright owner, summary of the project scope, intention, and outcome.
- Digital images: upload JPG files only 1920 pixels on the longest side (suggested), at least 72 dpi, and less than 2 MB in size.
- Video files: submit up to 2 video samples if these media relate to your art practice (i.e. to show kinetic artwork, gradations of light, sound or media-based art, etc.). Video samples must be submitted via Vimeo, with the specific URL (e.g. vimeo.com/2992575) noted on the Work Sample Upload page. All submissions must be publicly accessible (password protected files will not be accepted).Timed excerpts are preferred, but longer samples may be submitted with notation in the description field of specific start and stop time for a cumulative run time of up to 3 minutes. Please include the start and stop times for excerpted video samples at the beginning of the descriptive text. Video samples in excess of 3 cumulative minutes will not be reviewed.
Applications must be received no later than Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 4:00 pm PDT.