Grant Compliance + Appeal Process
Definitions, compliance, and the procedure for an appeal process for all 4Culture grants.
Grant Compliance
After funding recommendations are approved, 4Culture staff works with the applicant to develop a contract that calls out a specific scope of services. The contract define deliverables, set a timeline and govern project evaluation and the payment of funds. All award recipients must sign the standard contracts in a timely fashion in order to secure award funds. Contractors are paid on a reimbursement basis.
Public Benefit
State law and King County Code authorize the purchase of cultural services, but the “lending of public credit” is prohibited. All funded organizations and individuals must provide significant public benefits to citizens of King County in return for 4Culture’s support. Public benefit takes many forms and is agreed upon during our contract process.
Compliance with Laws
All award recipients must comply with federal laws governing Fair Labor Standards, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Civil Rights Act of 1991, and any other applicable federal, state and local laws. All recipients of funding for facility projects must comply with ADA Section 504 and must sign and notarize an affidavit regarding their
ADA plans.
Regulations Governing Historic Properties
If a proposed project would affect an historic property that is listed on or eligible for a register of landmarks or any cultural resource inventory established by public policy, then the applicant will be required to show that their project complies with all applicable laws and regulations. This may include project reviews, approvals, permits, monitoring, mitigation, adherence to standards or other conditions required by public policy.
Acknowledge 4Culture as the source of support in printed materials, permanent signage visible to the public or in other ways appropriate to the project. We make appropriate language and logos available in multiple formats.
Individuals and organizations receiving awards from 4Culture are required to have general liability insurance coverage that names 4Culture as an Additional Insured on their liability insurance. Some contracts may require Non-Owned Automobile Insurance.
Affidavit of Compliance / Personnel Inventory
Contractors receiving more than $25,000 from King County must fill out an inventory of their personnel, and must sign and have notarized an affidavit which certifies that the contractor will abide by King County requirements for fair employment practices and affirmative action.
Appeal Process
Applicants to any funding program may appeal the recommendations of the Advisory Committee of the 4Culture Board. Appeals will be reviewed solely on the basis of determining whether the panel process was appropriate.
1. Appeals must be sent in writing to the Executive Director of 4Culture within 14 days of notification of the Arts/Heritage/ Historic Preservation Advisory Committee’s recommendation.
2. The Executive Director shall consult the appropriate committee chairperson in accepting or rejecting the appeal.The Executive Director shall notify the applicant of her/his decision in writing.
3. A rejection by the Executive Director is final and ends the appeal request.
4. If the Executive Director accepts the appeal request, the applicant will be asked to make a presentation to the appropriate Committee.
5. The committee will recommend acceptance or rejection of the appeal to the 4Culture Board and recommend modifications to awards as required.
6. The Director will notify the applicant in writing of the committee’s recommendation and the date and time at which the 4Culture Board will consider the appeal.
7. The 4Culture Board will consider the recommendations of the committee at its next regular meeting.