Emmeri Bock
An Hour Here
As the anchors of identity are stripped from the walls, an expansive ongoing reality is exposed.

An Hour Here is a meditation on moving out, an exploration of transitions and the capacity of the in-between. The process of possessions and memories being sorted through, disposed of, and packed out of sight is documented by multiple cameras and edited synchronously so that each becomes an element of the four channel piece. Beginning in the dim early morning in a closed and deliberately symmetrical world, the film progresses as a fade to white, concurrent with the sun and the breeze from the window and out into the open air. From a home to an empty room of reverberating footsteps and nowhere to sleep.
About the Artist
Born half-past midnight in a town with a name she can’t remember without checking her birth certificate, Bock spent the next 20 years in a series of small towns across the country. Bock is currently exploring her roots in the south. Often director and performer, her work in video focuses on moments of identification within provisional surroundings. Between looking and being looked at, here and there, then and now, the moving image serves as a diary for unavoidable briefness. Bock is a recent graduate of Cornish College of the Arts and currently resides in Seattle.