Barbara Robertson
Architectonic 2
Architectonic are animations created from scans of drawings, exploring the theme of shifting perspectives in a built environment of constant change.

Screening Launch: Thursday, April 5, 6:00 — 8:00 pm
We live in a cinematic world—our eyes and brains are keyed to moving images, changing environments, and an ongoing stream of visual input. These videos are of mixed media that incorporates digitally-generated imagery with traditional methods of drawing, painting, and printmaking. Inspired by recent scientific inquiry in the fields of physics and astronomy, this work explores the relationship between form and content. The sound scores are by Johanna Melamed.
About the Artist
Barbara Robertson is a Seattle-based artist who has received awards for her work from 4Culture, the Seattle Office of Arts and Culture, KALA Art Institute and the Behnke Foundation. Her work has been presented in collaboration with the Merce Cunningham Dance Company and has been exhibited by a project space in Seattle; Trykk 17 Art Center, Norway; Eleftherias Art Center in Athens, Greece; the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle and most recently at the Oxbow Art Space in Seattle. Robertson’s work was included in “The Intersection Between Science, Art and Technology” exhibition at the American Embassy in Bern, Switzerland and her animations and works on paper were exhibited at the China Art Academy in Hangzhou, China. Her is currently part of the exhibition, “Familiar Faces & New Voices: Surveying Northwest Art” at the Tacoma Art Museum.