Gallery 4Culture 2020-2021

Gallery 4Culture has exhibited innovative and underrepresented artists and art forms for over forty years. Our seasons typically run from September – July with ten, month-long solo or small-group shows. We are dark in December and August.
Due to the impacts of COVID-19, however, all on-site programming is temporarily suspended and previously scheduled shows have been postponed. Nichole DeMent’s aptly titled Future Memory still hangs in our closed space.
When we reopen, we will pick up where we left off with the work of Nate Clark, Mia McNeal, Carlos Brache, and Philippe Hyojung Kim. This will very likely push our next season into 2021, although specifics are yet to be determined.
While we don’t have a set schedule, we are thrilled to announce that the following King County-based artists have been awarded shows:
Erin Elyse Burns
Lucy Copper
Hugo Cruz-Moro
Rebecca Cummins + Stephanie Simek
Kelsey Fernkopf
Elisheba Johnson
JoSaTo (John Osebold, Sara Osebold, and Tor Lee)
Tyna Ontko
Tatjana Pavićević
Junko Yamamoto
Many thanks to selection panelists Lucile Chich, Ko Kirk Yamahira, and Jennifer Zwick, Public Art Advisory Committee representative Janet Galore, and to the 109 artists who submitted applications for consideration. More information and new digital initiatives will be coming soon!