4Culture Grants + Calls

Cultural Relief Fund: Individuals

Grants of up to $2,000 are available to help support necessities including housing, utilities, groceries, and childcare to those who contribute to the cultural and creative industries within King County, Washington.

UPDATE: Between April 1 and July 15, 4Culture allocated $510,500 in COVID-19 relief funding to cultural workers in King County. Since that time, we have we have been entrusted with an additional $500,000 from King County to distribute federal CARES Act funds to cultural workers who are suffering financial losses due to the COVID-19 public health crisis.

Steps to Apply

1 About the Cultural Relief Fund

1 About the Cultural Relief Fund

2 Are You Eligible?

2 Are You Eligible?

3 Helping You Succeed

3 Helping You Succeed

4 After You Submit

4 After You Submit

5 Apply

5 Apply