Cynthia Alexander
Indie Folk and World Infused Music Poetry
Indie Folk and World Infused Music Poetry
Cynthia Alexander is highly regarded in her native Philippines as an innovator who pushes the limits of genre through the ever exploration of new forms of musical expression.Her lyrics are reminiscent of Imagist poems, and her guitar playing embodies a broad style.

Cynthia Alexander’s body of work is not just a collection of an assortment of pieces but a cohesive self-representational oeuvre that explores themes of identity and discovery. Radiating from these interlacing thematic strands are nodes and tributaries that delve into the journey to and from the self, the ecstasy and anguish associated with love, the beauty of death and the agony of rebirth, the uncertainties of relations, and the navigation of spiritual complexities towards reflection, epiphany, self-discovery, and liberation.
– Prof. Jesus Federico Hernandez, PhD
Alexander was obviously from a different grammar-a predilection for non-Western motifs, a rhythmic sensibility reminiscent of her Davao roots, an ear for the poetic-one that, though pleasant to the ear and the heart, is not the grammar of the mainstream. When by the year 2000 she decided to pave her own road with Rippingyarns, her loyal following stuck with her, on a sort of glue seasoned by shared emotion and a love for tasteful guitar-playing. By the time Comet’s Tail swung by in 2005, Cynthia Alexander has reached a creative peak only comparable to Brian Wilson’s Smile in its uncompromising complexity within an otherwise popular framework.
– Aldus Santos (Pinoy Tuner)

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